Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Keylogger Program Associated with Visits at Uncle Sam's Misguided Children

Some people who frequented the Uncle Sam's Misguided Children area have reported that they found key logging software on their computers. I mentioned this on the first blog. Before I posted the screenshot of it, I wanted to get permission from the person in question to be able to publish the screen shot. 

I have secured that permission. I wasn't going to post it, but after Pedro Rick Ferran came on the radio on 9/3/2013 following Paul Shannon claiming we were engaged in slander and that this blog had no proof of the key logger, I thought I would show it. 

As indicated in the first blog, the typical pathway for the Key logger is c:/windows/livekernel  

It looks like below (click on the image to enlarge it):

Some may wonder what is the big deal with the Watchdog program? What exactly does it do? Well, it can block website and make the USMC webpage "sticky." It can be used to block users from going to certain websites. It is used to monitor key strokes, and record each and every keystroke, chat, email, and mouse click. Thus, if you enter a credit card number into a website, or make flirtations comment to someone in chat .... that would be entered into Watchdog and transmitted to the person who placed it there. .This makes the person very vulnerable to having their account accessed or being blackmail.  It can take screenshots and send them at certain intervals such as daily, weekly, and hourly. 

It is a very useful piece of software to "spy" on your customers and it essentially turned USMC into a min-NSA. Parents sometimes buy it to spy on their children, and employers to spy on their employees. You can read more about the friendly form at this screenshot below. The malicious version associated with the Misguided Children's website can be removed easily if detected early.  One popular program is often effective in removing the spyware (and is free) is Malware Bytes.  

Removing the virus in this case is the easy part. What can't be undone is the damage as a result of your keystrokes being transmitted. As always, change your passwords, check your bank statements, and consult your bank if you see any suspicious bank activity.

The phone number for Leatherneck, the firm that handles the business transactions of the Misguided Children, is not accurately stated on the receipts. The number that appeared was for Ft. Lauderdale Directory Information.  See the first installment of his blog to find out how to contact the company.