Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rice and Shannon: Misguided Children's Manipulation of Conservatives to Liberal Perspectives

Well another morning of silly antics on the part of Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children. Of course, I have a response to Mr. Rice. That is in the video below. The screen shots are all there. The IT for the group clearly has connections to the White House in Washington, DC, not Texas. The audio is included to demonstrate that they advertise “No Hackers Allowed.”


Many may wonder so what? Well if you were part of the 17 listeners on Paul Shannon’s show on Sept. 3, 2013, you might have understood the impact. It was a marvelous show… if you are a Democrat. 

The show opened with the usual bit of smack talk. It then proceeded into the wonders of Daniel Patrick Moynihan who was described as “awesome.” In addition, there were high praises for Zell Miller. There were laments on where had all the Democrats gone, and how America needed more Democrats. There were misguided sonnet-like praises for Family Leave Policy and an expansion of the welfare state. He then moved on to discussion the wondering why labor unions were considered labor and how we needed to pass immigration to make America great again. Yes, he advanced Rubio’s immigration policy without mentioning Rubio’s name.


Of course, the best part of it all was listening to Paul Shannon praise Bill Gates and Steve Jobs on education reform. As all of us know, that is advocacy of the Common Core Curriculum. What was particularly amusing was to listen to Mr. Shannon advocate listening to Steven Jobs’s current ideas on education. 

Yup. I thought that was amusing. Has anyone told Mr. Shannon that Steven Jobs passed away? Further, has anyone informed Mr. Shannon that Jobs and Gates had opposing views?

Has anyone told Mr. Shannon that the Common Core being advanced by Bill Gates is Vygotskyism? I wonder if Pedro Ferran realizes that the Vygotskyism was used by Castro in his re-education camps (if you could call them that) as well as by Stalin and Mao. Stange bedfellows you keep there, Mr. Ferran. Maybe you fool some of the Cubans, but not all of them. Oh, and Mr. Ferran, even Sen. Rubio is against the Common Core. You appear to be the only Cuban voice for it. Wake up people. These folks are blind guides.

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